Saturday 2 August 2014

What Do Models Eat? The simple and the Bizarre

They’re some of the most stunning women in the public eye and their diet and exercise regimes come under constant scrutiny. But exactly what do models eat? We take a quick look at what some of the big names in modelling say about their eating habits.

Nil By Mouth
First up we have the cliché model diet. Before shows Brazilian beauty Adriana Lima cuts out all solid foods and only ingests liquids. When it gets to 12 hours before a show she doesn’t even drink, not even water. This is obviously not a safe or sustainable practice, and we must remember when reading these dietary habits that these women do not necessarily have to  undertake many of the daily tasks that many of us do, keeping thin is their job and they have domestic help to cope with raising children and other aspects of everyday life.

Blood Type Diet
Miranda Kerr follows this bizarre form of dieting that varies according to your blood type. It must be stressed that there is little if any scientific basis in many of these “gimmick diets”. She does acknowledge however that she also attributes her trim figure on exercise and eating low G.I. foods, which is foods that have a slow and sustained energy release. She has also allowed room for the occasional treat with a dietary policy of 80/20, 80% fresh produce and healthy foods, 20% less healthy foods.

Catering and Convenience
Because of their demanding schedule during fashion shows many models rely on in-house catering to determine their diet. Sometimes however they have to plan for menu fails. Suvi Riggs reputedly carries granola bars with her to all shows and appearances just in case “the catering sucks”, and it’s true that many models struggle with the options offered by catering due to the strict diets they follow.

Fast Food and Foodies
There are however models who, blessed with incredible metabolisms and almost impossible body types can eat whatever they fancy.  Alessandra Ambrosio is one of these lucky women, but her exercise regime is formidable in order to accommodate the pizza and mores that she reputedly enjoys. It’s easy to be envious of these trim and tiny women but it is important to remember that every body shape has its own unique beauty that can be unlocked through good diet and exercise.

As you can see what do models eat depends entirely on their body types, fitness regimes and their own personal preference and will power. Models do not achieve their slight builds without sacrifice, hard work and the assistance of genetics.

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